We believe that all scripture is inspired by GOD and is applicable to all humanity and society regardless of status, race, culture, sex, or nationality. We also believe that the 66 books of the BIBLE are all the HOLY SCRIPTURES.

WE BELIEVE in the ONE TRUE GOD, the only eternal Spirit

who created all things for His pleasure. He is absolute in power,

infinite in wisdom, Holy in nature, attributes, and purpose,

possessing total deity. He concerns Himself mercifully in the

affairs of humanity, hearing and answering prayers and saving

all who believe according to His word.

WE BELIEVE in JESUS CHRIST, the express image of

the invisible God who was born of the Spirit through

the virgin Mary. In the context of history He was God

manifest in the flesh; the spotless Lamb of God who takes

away the sin of the world; and the supreme example for us to emulate.

WE BELIEVE that he died for the sins of all humanity,

had a bodily resurrection, ascended to heaven, and will return again.

WE BELIEVE that all PEOPLE are born with Adam's sinful

nature and are therefore alienated from God. They are

totally sinful and are unable to remedy their lost condition.

WE BELIEVE that SALVATION is the gift of God given

to all humanity by grace and received only by those

who believe on Jesus Christ. Faith is more than mental ascent,

intellectual acceptance, or verbal profession. It includes trust,

reliance, commitment, and obedience. We cannot separate

saving faith from obedience. A person is saved when the

Apostle's gospel is applied to their life through obedience.

This occurs when they repent, are baptized in the

name of Jesus, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

WE BELIEVE the CHURCH is the living, spiritual body of

believers of which the Lord Jesus Christ is the head.

The church functions as Christ would, seeking and

saving the lost, and as miracles and signs followed

Jesus historically, so they follow the church today...